City Commissioners proclaim National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and Autism Awareness Month
Published 3:00 pm Monday, April 9, 2018
Erica O’Neal, Managing Editor
CORDELE– Cordele City Commissioners have backtracked on their decision to change the meeting times to the morning. After some discussion, the official decision is to have commissioner meetings at 5:30 p.m., an hour earlier than the original time. Commissioners took into account that people who work during the day would not be readily available to attend meetings if they were scheduled for the morning.
Commissioners approved the lowest bid from Reeves Construction Company to work on the 13th Ave. Pavement Reconstruction/Reclamation. Their bid amount is $550,671 and the engineer on the project further recommended approving their bid. The project will be funded $350,000 from GDOT’s unclaimed LMIG funds and the rest will be from LMIG funding received by the city.
Reeves Construction Company was approved by commissioners to work on the 8th Ave. Realignment/Resurfacing and Striping from 5th St. to 7th St. The bid amount is for $128,325. This project will be funded from TSPLOST funds received by the city.
The board of commissioners approved the preliminary engineering contract and cost it will take for CSX to review the proposed Pecan St. sidewalk installation project. The work will consist of reviewing and approval of preliminary and final engineering design plans, specifications, drawings, agreements and other documents. The associated cost of the preliminary engineering contract will be about $6,600.
Cordele City Commissioners will be meeting again on Tuesday, April 17 at 5:30 p.m. located in Cordele City Hall.