It was such a cute sight
Published 9:33 am Wednesday, August 26, 2015
It was such a cute sight—
That my friends is sarcasm. Yes, it was touching to see Coach Jimmy Hughes and his former star linebacker at Crisp County High, who later became his under study, Coach Shelton Felton last Friday night. I already know that Shelton thinks the world of the Hughes and the Hughes think the world of Coach Felton. So yes, Friday was special and charming and it will be every year from now on.
But FOOTBALL ain’t CUTE!!! When that whistle blew to start play Friday night, the smiles all stopped and were replaced with fearsome game faces It was the beginning of football season. Now that’s what I am talking about; hard licks, long passes, good runs and the occasional controversial flag. That’s what football is all about and Coach Felton’s Cougars and Coach Hughes’ Bobcats didn’t disappoint the fans who filled up the stands.
In our history, around here, we have had mentor versus prodigy before. It’s not a new concept. ‘Sam Barrs versus Clay Hill,’ and ‘Hill versus Richard Hodges’ each time it added to the contest, and let’s face it those type of match-UP’s always will. On another note, Crisp vs Dooly is always exciting in our little neck of the woods and it always will be.
A few years ago somebody stopped Crisp and Dooly from playing for awhile. Mainly because Crisp is AAAA school and Dooly is Single A, which year in and year out sets up a disparity between the two schools. Hogwash, Dooly is usually full of athletes and they win this match up from time to time and the kids feel real good on them days. The real reason you play this game is the gate money. Every program needs money and this one fills the stands. So if for no other reason than as a pre-season game this match up should never stop.
Plus there is the added benefit of Felton vs Hughes for the next hump -teen years which should make people mark their calendar from now on. Now, some of you may not remember the last time Dooly won this contest but I do it was 2007 in a regular season game 26-13. They played two more years and quit. Let’s keep it going.