Vienna Council passes millage rate
Published 9:05 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2016
VIENNA — Council members here held their regular meeting Monday night to conduct the business of the city. The main item on the agenda was the city’s millage rate. After appropriately advertising the millage and the five year history of the tax levy council members officially voted to keep the rate at 13.5 mills. This will be the third consecutive year the city has not had to raise the millage rate. Mayor and council said they were pleased to be able to keep from raising taxes for the citizens.
Council members also approved a vendor agreement for low income home energy assistance program. This is an agreement between the City of Vienna and the Division of Family and Children Services Low Income Energy Assistance Program. The purpose of the program is to assist eligible households with the cost of heating their homes. The agreement will be valid through September30, 2017. It is administered through West Central Georgia Community Action Council. Mayor Hobby Stripling said he believed the program was already accepting applications for assistance.
Community Development Director Janet Joiner presented her report to council reminding them of several events coming up in the city. Thursday, September 15 will be Trivia Night at 7 p.m. at the Vienna Cultural Center. Joiner said due to the response from the city’s first Scavenger Hunt a second one has been planned and will be beginning soon. She advised citizens should be looking for the clues on-line. Also a Rabies Clinic will be held in the Downtown Square on Saturday, September 24 from 12:30 p.m. until 2 p.m. Joiner said pet owners should be reminded there will be no more warnings in regards to having your pets vaccinated. There will be a $10 fee per animal at the clinic.
Joiner reminded council members the Hometown Connection will be held in November when members of the legislature come to the community to visit. She asked that the mayor and council begin brainstorming about items that can be brought up to discuss on that day with state leaders.
Joiner also presented a recommendation from the planning and zoning board to disapprove a special exception use permit for a double-wide trailer. The area the applicant wanted to purchase to move the trailer has no sewer or water service and is known for holding water during rainy weather. Council accepted the recommendation and voted to disapprove the request.
After reviewing other department reports the meeting was adjourned.