Dooly Commissioners discuss contract with Unadilla mayor
Published 5:48 pm Friday, August 5, 2016
VIENNA — City of Unadilla Mayor Myron Mixon attended Thursday’s meeting of the Dooly County Commission to discuss the contract for county law enforcement services.
Currently the City of Unadilla owes the county $681,814 for those services under that contract which expires on December 31. Mixon informed commissioners that he has been working on a solution to the problem since he first took office in January. Mixon said a combination of increasing the millage rate for the city by one mill and raising gas and water services for the city is going to be helpful. He said in addition to the $32,000 per month they are currently paying they will pay an additional $10,000 for past payments that have accrued.
Mixon said with the contract ending in December he would like to look into negotiating a more affordable alternative for the city and that plans were in the works to sit down with County Commission Chairman Terrell Hudson, and Dooly County Sheriff Craig Peavy.
Vice Chairman Charles Anderson, who conducted Thursday’s meeting in the absence of Hudson thanked Mayor Mixon for attending the meeting and providing an update. Mixon said if the city keeps getting stronger as he suspects then they may can do more but for now it just takes baby steps.
Lilly citizen Sylvester Granville addressed commissioners in regards to recreation needs in that district. Anderson recommended that Granville bring his concerns to the next meeting of the recreation board. That board reports and offers recommendations directly to the commission.
Granville also questioned commissioners in regards to the food service contract for the jail. Granville specifically questioned the bidding practice for the contract. Anderson responded to Granville by explaining the contract would be put out for bids in 2016.
Also on the agenda:
• County Administrator Steve Sanders informed commissioners the Georgia Department of Transportation has announced that Dooly County is eligible for $575,177.46 of funding from the FY2017 LMIG Program. The GDOT will be accepting applications through December 31.
• Commissioners approved the second reading and adopted the proposed new personnel policy for county employees.
• The Dooly County Commissioners are still working on the budget for the coming fiscal year.