CCSO will offer second Robbery Awareness Class

Published 2:27 pm Wednesday, December 2, 2015


CORDELE — Robbery is considered the #1 source of violence from strangers and is increasing faster than any other crime.
As part of their continued effort to help put a stop to the robberies plaguing the community, Crisp County Sheriff Billy Hancock, the Crisp County Sheriff’s Office and District Attorney Denise Fachini announce and invite businesses to take part in their second Robbery Prevention and Awareness Training Class.
As armed robberies continue to be a problem within the community both Hancock and Fachini hope the class will better educate local business owners and citizens on how to prevent robberies and the proper protocol to follow in the event of a robbery. The program is being offered to businesses at no cost.
“Both myself and District Attorney Denise Fachini felt it was an important resource to provide to our local businesses,” said Hancock
Approximately 32 people attended the last training and Hancock said he would like to see that number grow.
Topics include: What is a Robbery? Characteristics of a Robbery, What to do during a Robbery, What to do after a Robbery and Robbery Prevention Techniques and objectives.
The class will be held on Tuesday, December 8 at 6 PM in the EMA/EOC Center (Training Building) at the Crisp County Sheriff’s Office. To R.S.V.P. for the class contact Cathy or Monica at the Crisp County Sheriff’s Office at (229)276-2600